The thrill of a daughter’s book review

I am so thrilled that my daughter wrote a very uplifting note about my book on Facebook.  I copied it below. Having Laura know more about what I did makes my book even more special to me.  And she liked it!  She also did a review on GoodReads. Thanks so much, Laura.

Many already know, but my dad Bob Langert wrote a book, and I am SO, incredibly proud of him! It’s a book about the work he did at McDonald’s heading up their Corporate Social Responsibility group. I knew a lot of the work he did from what he would tell us at our family dinners and such, but reading his book made me have such a deeper appreciation for what he was doing back then, and the impact he made “battling” everyday to do good for the world!! If anyone is interested in the topic at all, I HIGHLY recommend reading it. (I will happily buy/send anyone a book – just DM me). It’s worth the read, I promise! If not, I will let you know when his TED talk is for you to listen in the coming months (for real!!)